without classification

/without classification

AMAZON RAINFOREST uncertain resilience

February 27th, 2020|Brazilian culture, without classification|

Climate change, deforestation and fires could cause the world’s largest rainforest to hit a tipping point that could turn much of it into dry scrubland. There would be an impact on biodiversity, livelihoods, carbon emissions and weather patterns. Scientists are desperately exploring just how big the effects might be, when the tipping point could occur — [...]


February 17th, 2020|Italian culture, without classification|

The next edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will take us on a journey through the next ten years, showing us the trends, technological innovations and new rules that will shape the beauty market from now until 2030. To highlight and share the projections and trends of beauty sector, Cosmoprof presents five special new areas, five gardens [...]

Develop sustainable

February 5th, 2020|Brazilian culture, without classification|

Brazil is a country with an immense responsibility towards humanity. First, because it contains the largest portion of the Amazon rainforest, a critical element stabilizing the Earth’s climate system. Second, its well-conserved terrestrial ecosystems store immense amounts of carbon and 12% of global water resources. Third, its terrestrial and marine ecosystems harbour 10% of the world’s [...]

At Oval Lingotto Fiere – A&T, Automation & Testing

January 24th, 2020|without classification|

A&T was founded in 2007 as a fair dedicated to Testing and Measurements aiming to contribute the diffusion of the innovation culture, addressing in particular industrial and scientific audiences. At present, it has become the reference event in Italy for this specific sector. In 2015, recommended by robot builders, A&T evolved creating a Robotics Fair, called Robotic World. [...]

The Brazilian People: The Formation and Meaning of Brazil

July 28th, 2019|Brazilian culture, without classification|

Anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro (1913-1997) was one of the greatest Brazilian intellectuals of the 20th century. Based on Darcy's central work, 'The Brazilian People', in which the author answers the question 'Who are the Brazilians?', Investigating the formation of our people. 'The Brazilian people' is a re-creation of the narrative of Darcy Ribeiro and discusses the formation [...]